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Hold Harmless FAQ's

#1. Is this form legally binding?

Yes....According the federal E-sign act it is.  Welcome to the 21st century. 

Note: Minors can not sign legal documents, so only adults can complete any CAF Hold Harmless.  Adults do need to provide us with the name of the minor flying to establish consent from the adult.  

#2.  Whats the purpose of this Electronic Hold Harmless?

This is a very valid question as the #1 reason for the Hold Harmless is to keep the CAF protected.  The legal depth of a Hold Harmless really depends on each state but it does serve the purpose in all states that we attempted to inform our riders that they are about to partake in a dangerous activity with risk.  

#3.  Why are you making the CAF Units use this?

The biggest challenge we have faced is collecting and transmiting data.  Historically the rides program has monumental amounts of person data and getting this data or manually transferring the data from poorly written hand writing to digital format has been challenging.  This process being electronic actually allows us to communicate better with our customers and has lots of positives for communicating with our customers in the future. 

#4.  The dropdowns have too much information, my rider is confused

Yes....We agree!  Most riders don't know what a CAF Unit is, and some riders don't even know what aircraft they are riding.  Thats why we are really encouraging Units to create their own custom URL and QR codes which pre-populates this information.  This will save lots of time and confusion at the ride desk.  

#5.  What do I do when somebody buys multiple seats?

We are specific that each adult rider should fill out a hold harmless independent of others in their party.  The biggest challenge is the Tax Amount Information.  See next question.

#6.  A rider bought multiple seats, how does this work for tax purposes?

In this case the rider who purchased the seats should fill out a Hold Harmless and include the ride amount for the entire purchase (all seats).  This will generate a tax letter for the full amount.  Any subsequent riders who did not pay should put zero in the ride amount for their forms but should include the information on the payee for our records.  

#6.  How about a rider who didn't pay anything for their seat?

In this case the rider should always put whatever amount they did or did not pay.  A rider who paid nothing should put zero.  With this scenario no tax letter will be generated.  

#7.  Can I create a custom Form just for my CAF Unit or Aircraft?

Yes....We highly encourage it and you can see more information HERE

#8.  How do I create a custom QR Code?

There are lots of QR code generators on the internet.  Find one that works for you.  Remember at the end of the day, a QR code is just a URL link which can be scanned by the camera on your phone.  Try googling QR Code Generator.  Here is a free and easy to use one from Adobe.


#9.  What is the Vintage Warbird Riders Club?

Great question.  All riders of our warbirds get the option to join our Vintage Warbird Riders Club.  This club and class of membership is a lifetime of opportunity to receive email updates and other electronic opportunities around the CAF.  Think of it as an insider club email list.  

#10.  Can I use this form for just simple CAF Pilots and Volunteers

Absolutely....We even have functionality built in so that CAF Pilot and Members completed hold harmless documents can be automatically emailed to your Unit.  Click HERE for details.  

#11.  Do we still need to send in Tax information?  

Nope.....The electronic form will automatically collect the tax information and email the letter to the appropriate person.  No reporting or any donation paperwork is needed at HQ.  Note: We still need other donation paperwork, just not information on riders.  

#12.  What do I do if I loose WIFI?

Keep a paper backup.  We get it....stuff happens.  If you need paper, keep it with you for emergencies/loss of connectivity.   The Unit is responsible for adding rider and purchaser data on the forms into the Hold Harmless system once connectivity is restored. 

Please use the main Hold Harmless form to enter the riders data.  When asked for a signature please put a line through the field or write "Paper Only".  Thi
s process will ensure the data is still captured but that the official and legal signature is on paper.  Please retain the paper in your CAF Unit records for one year.  If you have a technical question contact HQ. 


#13.  How does our CAF Unit get access to our data?


On a periodic schedule an export will be made available to your CAF Unit for data that is collected for your Unit name or aircraft. In order to do this effectively we ask that a CAF Unit specific email is provided to HQ.  This email will be used for confirmation emails as well as data exports.  Please click on the link below to send us your CAF Unit specific Hold Harmless email address.  

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